Hi Andreas,

On 16.09.19 11:38, Andreas Tille wrote:
> Hi Peter,
> On Sun, Sep 15, 2019 at 02:47:50PM +0100, peter green wrote:
>>>> tmp = rt.encrypt('Cycle{}'.format(pickle.dumps(objSave)))
>>> Thanks to this hint
>> This hint was *wrong*, it will introduce garbage into the string and the 
>> "rotor" code is clearly designed to work with byte strings, not unicode 
>> strings.
>> Change it to
>> "tmp=rt.encrypt( b'Cycle'+pickle.dumps(objSave) )"

Oops, got that backwards. Thanks for spotting this.
> Thanks a lot for your patience.  Unfortunately this is not
> yet the final solution:
> ...
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/usr/bin/cycle", line 83, in OnCloseWindow
>     Save_Cycle(cycle.name, cycle.passwd, cycle.file)
>   File "/usr/share/cycle/save_load.py", line 46, in Save_Cycle
>     tmp=rt.encrypt( b'Cycle'+pickle.dumps(objSave) )
>   File "/usr/share/cycle/p_rotor.py", line 63, in encrypt
>     return self.cryptmore(buf, 0)
>   File "/usr/share/cycle/p_rotor.py", line 88, in cryptmore
>     c = rotors[i][c ^ pos[i]]
> TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for ^: 'int' and 'float'

That code could be patched by using int() around potentially float
numbers. But honestly, it should better be ripped out and use
real encryption. The docstring tells so:
The rotor module has been removed from the Python 2.4
distribution because

      the rotor module uses an insecure algorithm and is deprecated.

Best wishes

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