Hi Jonas,

On Fri, May 27, 2022 at 01:11:45AM +0200, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> Hi Julian and other Pythonistas,
> Quoting Julian Gilbey (2022-05-27 00:44:22)
> > Currently python-pytest-asyncio is maintained just by you.  I wonder
> > whether you would be willing to move this to the Debian Python Team's
> > shared repository on salsa and transfer the maintainership to the
> > team, with you as primary uploader?
> I would prefer to let go: Feel free to adopt pytest-asyncio and
> python-mock.
> Kind regards,
>  - Jonas

Firstly, a massive apology - I didn't check the version of
python-pytest-asyncio in unstable, and so hadn't noticed that you'd
updated it really recently.  Mea culpa.

Second, my suggestion of moving it to the team was not meant in any
way to say that I don't appreciate the amazing job you're doing.  In
fact, most packages in the Python Team repository are in reality
maintained by one person; the primary benefits of being within the
team are the mutual support and the ability to keep packages
up-to-date or fixed if there are some problems and the maintainer
can't get to them.  (And sometimes the Debian Janitor fixes issues in
packages automatically.)

So it's entirely up to you; I can't personally take on the package
(I'm already overloaded), but if you are happy to continue maintaining
it, would you consider migrating it to the team repository?

Best wishes,


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