On 07/27/2018 02:22 PM, Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer wrote:
> Don't get me wrong: I also don't like build depending on LLVM [1], but it 
> became a hard dependency. Again, I haven't looked at the code yet (I'm over 
> the transition now), so I'm purely guiding myself from what one of my co 
> maintainers did (and he happens to be in vac).
> But what can we do if it became a hard dependency?

I'm 99% sure it's not a hard dependency. It's a documentation utility.

>>> I haven't looked at the code but it seems that this dependency is now
>>> required in order to build qdoc, so reducing the severity to wishlist.
>> Well, it's a documentation tool. It should just be possible to disable
>> the documentation tool on the affected architectures.
> It's the tool to generate documentation.

Exactly. And documentation is built in arch:all only anyway.

>>> I don't know if it's possible at all to build everything but qdoc. And the
>>> effect of this could be many packages starting to FTBFS.
>> Unlikely. I don't know any project that has a hard dependency on
>> documentation.
> No no, not the documentation itself, but the tool to create it!

Yes, but you can (and should(!)) build documentation in the binary-arch-indep

> If for some reason a package build it's doc on an arch-specific build it will 

Then this package is clearly buggy. Documentation is arch-independent and
should never be built per architecture.

> But on a second thought you might want to tackle those packages yourself. If 
> you like that idea well, we need a patch to disable qdoc compilation probably.

You don't need to disable QDoc completely. Just use it in a reasonable

>>> The only way around I see is submitting patches upstream to avoid clanf
>>> usage. Remember they need to go directly to upstream, we can't forward
>>> then
>>> except for very small changes.
>> Strange policy. Lots of people here take patches from the bugtracker and
>> forward them upstream. In fact, that's what the official Debian
>> documentation says.
> Yes, but upstream has a CLA in which you don't give copyright permissions 
> *but* allow the Qt Company to use the submitted code in their proprietary 
> version, your code remaining FLOSS for every other aspect.

*sigh* CLAs suck

> The way they enforce that is by making the real coders push their work to 
> their gerrit instance, for which you previously have to agree to the CLA.

Yes. I know the deal.

>> Either way, there are plans to make LLVM available on more targets, there
>> are already branches working on alpha, m68k, riscv64 and more. Until then,
>> it would be nice if Qt wouldn't have a hard dependency on it solely to
>> build documentation.
> Again: I would *love* to. But to the best of my knowledge now, we can't. Of 
> course, I'll be delighted to learn I'm wrong :-)
I will take care of that - like always :P.


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer - glaub...@debian.org
`. `'   Freie Universitaet Berlin - glaub...@physik.fu-berlin.de
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