tags 310644 + confirmed patch

also sprach Noah Meyerhans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005.05.25.1606 +0200]:
> Basically, zope will not install, either from scratch or via upgrade
> from woody, if debconf is configured to hide questions of medium
> priority.  This probably does not warrant a package update at this
> point, since the workaround is simple (simply reconfigure debconf).
> This probably should be documented in the Release Notes, though.

Debian Zope is and has been a catastrophe. For this reason, pkg-zope
exists on alioth, which I am going to officially start at debconf5.
If zope gets mentioned in the release notes, you should also say
that it's really just preferable at the moment to run Zope from
/usr/local! If I had my ways, I'd get zope* removed from Debian
sarge. :)

In the meantime, the following patch to debian/zope.config or
/var/lib/dpkg/info/zope.config should fix the problem:

<             db_input medium $PKG/admin-user || true
>             db_input critical $PKG/admin-user || true
<             db_input medium $PKG/admin-password || true
>             db_input critical $PKG/admin-password || true
<                     db_input medium $PKG/admin-password-confirmation || true
>                     db_input critical $PKG/admin-password-confirmation || true

If this warrants a new upload, I can prepare one within minutes...
it's building now...

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 .''`.     martin f. krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: :'  :    proud Debian developer, admin, user, and author
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  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing a system
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                                                            -- t. k.

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