On Thu, Apr 20, 2006 at 10:36:16PM +0200, Andreas Barth wrote:
> Andrea Mennucci
> 354650  lightspeed: segfault at start up on amd64

I converted it to GTK2, and uploaded it to experimental, as version
1.2a-3 ; if anybody has a AMD64 machine on the desktop, please test
it.  In 1.2a-3 there is a bug when saving snapshots of the window,
so it is not ready for unstable.

> 340538  apache2: includes non-free and possibly undistributable files

hmmm.... the apache team  talked about packaging 2.2 in December ,
(see bug bug 344072  (*))
then all went dead; from time to time there is a message such as
but no answer to them ever (and no answer to my message as well).

So the situation is fishy: I may NMU apache2 in its current version
2.0, and replace all non-free code with free code; but this would not
serve our users well.

Truth is, apache2 would need a lot of work: it has 3 RC bugs open and
110 I&N bugs open.

If apache2 is not actively mantained, maybe the best thing would be to
look for someone with time and interest to actively mantain it; or
otherwise to just drop it off the archives.

(*) Actually, according to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (see bug 344072),
 in Feb apache2.2 was "awaiting some final polish",
 so it would be nice if he may publish the partial work somewhere 


Andrea Mennucc
 "Ukn ow,Ifina llyfixe dmysp acebar.ohwh atthef"

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