On 2017-06-01 22:15, Jeremy Bicha wrote:
Please unblock package webkit2gtk for inclusion in Debian 9.0.
Sadly, Debian's security packaging infrastructure is not set up to
test this kind of update very well.

I'm not entirely sure how you think p-u is better placed to do so, given the amount of visible testing packages from it get before a point release.

To provide a reasonable balance
between security for Debian 9 users and API stability for apps, the
current proposal [2] is to use Debian's s-p-u procedures and get these
updates into Debian point releases.

No. For the record, what Moritz actually said was:

"You're best technical bet would be to upgrade to new webkit releases in
stretch point releases, this would allow proper binNMUs and allow
people to testdrive via s-p-u. But that's up for the SRMs to
decide (and I doubt they want to deal with that kind of API
"stability" either)."

There's a huge leap from there to you assuming that SRM will be happy to do this without any form of actual discussion. Unblock bugs are *not* the way to have that discussion, and two weeks before release is a really poor time to attempt to do so.



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