Hi Adam,

Thank you for answering my questions and clarifying the finer points of

On Fri, Aug 03, 2018 at 10:20:59PM +0100, Adam D. Barratt wrote:
The metadata for that bug suggests that the issue still affects
unstable. Assuming that's correct, that needs addressing first. (If
it's not, the metadata should be updated with an appropriate fixed

That's right; sid is affected, and not fixed yet, but people are still
recovering from DebConf I think :)

As per the Dev Ref and (possibly too infrequent) dda reminders, the
version should be (stable)+deb9u1, and the suite "stretch".

Thank you. I didn't think to check dev ref, I consulted policy instead.
I'd not use me as a benchmark as to whether the dda reminders are
frequent enough, althoug I don't filter them so do theoretically read
them, I've been slicing my Debian time very thin in recent times.

oldstable (jessie) is no longer managed by the Release Team, but has
been in the hands of the LTS team since mid-June, as per https://lists.

Thank you, I'll investigate pursuing a jessie fix via LTS.

There are no point releases for any release other than stretch at this
point. oldoldstable (i.e. wheezy) has been entirely out of (LTS)
support since the end of May this year

Thank you. The guidance I was reading (policy possibly) only talked
about whether the release was archived or not, and oldoldstable appears
to not have been yet, despite it's LTS status. But in any case we shall
just ignore oldoldstable for this bug.


⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Jonathan Dowland
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