>Josselin Mouette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Le mardi 12 decembre 2006 17:05 +0100, Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt a
>>> Will alacarte be useable with the new version of libgnome-menu? I
>>> want to know if anything would break in such a step to partial
>>> standard-compliance.
>> Alacarte doesn't use libgnome-menu as a backend, but python-xdg. If I
>> understand correctly the purpose of applications-merged, this means
>> Alacarte won't be able to obtain the list of menu entries added by
>> third-party applications using it.
>Bleh. Well, if that could be fixed, I would be more than happy to
>approve a new upload for that.
>> In short, I don't think fixing gnome-panel will break alacarte more
>> it already is.
>OK, those hints added:
>unblock gnome-menus/2.16.1-1
>unblock gnome-panel/2.14.3-4
>unblock eel2/2.14.3-2
>unblock bug-buddy/2.14.0-2
>Is anything missing?

Something in the gnome session startup should do a 
export XDG_MENU_PREFIX="gnome-"

I don't think that has been added already, does it?


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