Daniel Leidert wrote:
> Please unblock gchempaint 0.6.6-3:
> gchempaint (0.6.6-3) unstable; urgency=low
>   * debian/patches/04_fix_406405_invisible_grouped_text.dpatch: Added.
>     - plugins/selection/group.cc (gcpGroup::Add):
>     - plugins/selection/group.h (gcpGroup): Get all grouped elements
>       (closes: #406405). Thanks to randall for reporting the bug.
> The bug fixed wasn't tagged important, but it is annoying. gchempaint
> does not have any reverse dependencies and it is now in Sid for 10 days
> without any error report. Please unblock it, the bug fix will not hurt
> anybody. The patch can also be reviewed at
> http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/debichem/unstable/gchempaint/debian/patches/04_fix_406405_invisible_grouped_text.dpatch?op=file&rev=0&sc=0.




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