Le vendredi 03 septembre 2010 à 13:18 +0200, Guido Günther a écrit :
> > > However, I think ubuntu introduced a dummy hal-cups-utils package that
> > > depends on s-c-p-udev to ease the transition.
> > > 
> > So I went and asked the apt people.  The problem seems to be that
> > because python-cupsutils has reverse dependencies its removal gets a bad
> > score.  Would it be possible to keep python-cupsutils as a dummy
> > transitional package depending on python-cupshelpers?

Since python-cupshelpers doesn’t provide the same APIs as
python-cupsutils (they are not in the same namespace), it would be very
wrong to do so.

The reverse dependencies need to be updated.

> Josselin, would you agree? We had these in an early version and removed
> them on your request. 
> http://git.debian.org/?p=users/agx/system-config-printer.git;a=commit;h=c395d899b6f8ebb5e3bce298e2faa2d60f762231
> I can add them back for hal-cups-utils as well as python-cupsutils.

As for hal-cups-utils, I’ve uploaded the fixed meta-gnome2, which has
been sitting in the SVN all the while.

 .''`.      Josselin Mouette
: :' :
`. `'  “If you behave this way because you are blackmailed by someone,
  `-    […] I will see what I can do for you.”  -- Jörg Schilling

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