On Tue, Dec 25, 2012 at 11:19:18PM -0500, Michael Gilbert wrote:
> As seen in #695810 (merged with #486520), ifupdown switched to calling
> dhclient with the -1 option, and in past releases it had not, so it is
> now a more prevalent problem.  Although sure severity is questionable,
> and I'm not willing to exert much effort to include it.  I'll remove
> if that's what is wanted.

So "-1" will fire up dhclient, try to get a lease for a preset amount of
time (i.e. querying multiple times) and then fork for continuously
renewing the lease or exit with failure code 2?

I just want to be sure I understand the logic before ACKing it. (And sorry
for the delay on that.)

Philipp Kern

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