
I am currently packaging a Qt/C++ program (dpuser+qfitsview [1]) that
requires VTK6, and I am curious of how I have to specify the include
path and the libraries.

The current version of libvtk6-dev in unstable/testing is 6.2.0, which
uses as include path


and the libraries are named like


How do I specify this in the QMake (*.pro) so that it will work with
upcoming versions as well? Currently I have

VTK_VERSION = $$system(echo /usr/include/vtk-* | cut -d- -f2)
INCLUDEPATH += /usr/include/vtk-$$VTK_VERSION
LIBS += -lvtkGUISupportQt-$$VTK_VERSION [...] 

in the QFitsView.pro files, but this seems quite as an ugly hack. It
also looks like a transition is needed for any minor versions of vtk,

The original upstream code used a privately compiled version with
hardcoded versions.

Any advise here?

Best regards


[1] https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/debian-astro/packages/dpuser.git

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