u...@debian.org (Aaron M. Ucko) writes:
> Ole Streicher <oleb...@debian.org> writes:
>> I am currently packaging a Qt/C++ program (dpuser+qfitsview [1]) that
>> requires VTK6, and I am curious of how I have to specify the include
>> path and the libraries.
> To the best of my knowledge, the only build system VTK supports cleanly
> is CMake, which I understand to be generally popular in the Qt (or at
> least KDE) community.  Perhaps you could convince/help upstream to
> migrate?  https://sourceforge.net/projects/qmake2cmake/ might provide a
> decent starting point.

The package is already quite "strange" (due to its historical origin),
and I doubt the upstream would put much effort in it.

Is there a reason that the libvtk6-dev package does not provide the
usual links like

/usr/include/vtk -> vtk-6
/usr/include/vtk-6 -> vtk-6.2

libvtkGUISupportQt.so -> libvtkGUISupportQt-6.2.so
libvtkGUISupportQt-6.so -> libvtkGUISupportQt-6.2.so

? This would allow to use these libraries without black magic.

Best regards


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