Doug Torrance <> writes:

> Thanks for the note!  I considered using dh_elpa when I decided to split 
> off the Emacs files into their own binary package.  But dh_install 
> already installs them to the correct place, and there are not any test 
> suites to run.  Is there another reason to use dh_elpa that I'm missing?


1) It means that your package will comply with

  without any extra effort on your part.

2) the emacs lisp files with be byte-compiled

3) It uses the the standard (package-initialize) mechanism to set up


1) It requires some package.el compatible metadata, but it sounds from
   below like this should be there anyway.

2) Any debian-specific customization needs to be done via autoloads.
   I don't remember if you are doing any of that.

> Also, the files aren't in ELPA and upstream at this point is just 
> targetting MELPA [1], so is the elpa- namespace appropriate?

It's fine. Most the elpa-* packages in debian are not in ELPA.  It is
possible to use other names with dh_elpa, but it is less testedm

> I also considered using macaulay2-el, but I stuck with macaulay2-emacs
> since it mostly matches upstream's name (M2-emacs) and matches with
> some similar math-related emacs packages already in Debian
> (maxima-emacs and singular-ui-emacs).  I'm definitely open to changing
> it, though!

My suggestion would also apply to those packages. At least
singular-ui-emacs does not seem to comply with Debian Emacs Policy.

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