On Wed, 2002-10-02 at 21:13, Lupe Christoph wrote:
> Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't we expect people who run unstable to
> diagnoseproblems themselves? If they can't they should be running stable
> or at least testing?

Excuse me sir ! 

But well, if I run unstable and I find a strange problem with such an
important package, I have to tell the debian community.
I think that's one of the purpose of that mailing-list : knowing
problems coming with the packages.

And, I was diagnosing my problems ! I was not just waiting for the
solution, I was working with all people who helped me. And I thank them
very much.

If tomorow, an other imortant issue comes up to me with a debian
package, I'll do it again. That's what debian mailing-list are for :
communicating !

> Unstable is not just a name...

No, it's a way of life |-)


Alexis Sukrieh, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Web : http://www.sukria.net

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