On Thu, 23 Oct 2003 04:02, Joe Moore wrote:
> > There was a case of a buggy pam some time ago which let people login to
> >  accounts such as "man" and "bin".  Changing the shell would have
> > prevented  that problem (or limited the number of accounts that were
> > vulnerable)
> So there was a bug in the PAM code so that it ignored an invalid
> /etc/passwd field.  Why would the next bug not ignore some other
> /etc/passwd field (like the user's chosen shell)?

You are correct, the next time a problem is discovered in PAM there could be 
two bugs not one.  But it's more likely that bugs will be discovered one at a 

> >> (and thus write access to /etc/passwd and/or the chsh command)
> >
> > That does not follow.  If a program can be tricked into logging you in
> > as the  wrong account, that does not mean that it's actions can give
> > any result other  than that of an authorised user logging in to that
> > account.
> It is as likely as some other bug in the privileged process.

You really should read the source for /bin/login, or even better try patching 
it yourself some time.  Then you would get a better idea of what the issues 

> I realize this particular example is probably not intended to demonstrate
> the value of /bin/false as a shell, but it's hard to discuss a hypothetical
> bug...

Which is why I gave an actual example of a PAM bug.

> > A similar bug could once again be discovered in /bin/login (if you
> > doubt then  please audit the source ;).
> If a similar bug existed in /bin/login, it sounds like it would behave
> this way:A user tries username: bin with the wrong password.  The user then
> types their username (bob) and password (1234), and are given a UID2 shell
> of /bin/sh. (thus a different UID than specified in the /etc/passwd file
> for bob, _and_ a different shell than specified for bob)
> Your claim is that by changing bin(UID 2)'s shell to /bin/false, this
> hypothetical bug is more difficult to exploit.

Yes, the UID and the shell are stored in the same data structure, see 

> And that the analogous bug where bob's shell is respected (giving him a
> UID2 shell of /bin/csh) is unlikely.

Yes.  Read the code.

> >> * A more important consideration is the location of "bin"'s $HOME.
> >
> > What's wrong with the current location?
> At the moment, nothing.  Since write access to /bin pretty much 0wns the
> box.  But a .rhosts file (+) in /bin might not be noticed for a while.  A
> file in /var/empty (the home dir for sshd's privsep user) might be noticed.

To create a file in /bin you need root access.  Therefore to create
/bin/.rhosts you need more access than such a file will grant.  There is no 
point in such an attack.  Why would someone create /bin/.rhosts when they can 
create /root/.rhosts?

Does bin even own ANY files or have write access to ANY directories on a 
default install?  From a quick look it seems that account "bin" gets no write 
access to anything on a Linux system.

> I guess what I'm saying is that there are just as many ways to get access
> to UID2 with "bin:x:2:2:bin:/bin:/bin/false" in the /etc/passwd.  As there
> are with "bin:x:2:2:bin:/bin:/bin/sh".

Name some examples.

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