Hi Brian!

On Sun, 30 Apr 2000, Brian May wrote:

> >>>>> "Peter" == Peter Palfrader <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     Peter> Pollywog, you really should not include signatures of other
>     Peter> mails in replies :)
> but that mail was PGP/MIME formatted. So I don't think it is quite as simple
> as what you are saying.
> This was Ethan's signature:
> this is Pollywog's signature (the reply to that last message):
> oh wait, yes they are the same. Why XFMail is doing this, I don't know
> (as I don't use it myself). Perhaps this is a bug in XFMail.

Hmm Polywog did not sign his first mail so I assume he also did not
sign the second one. 

It really looks like including the sig. attachment in the reply.

(nevertheless a bug imho)

PGP encrypted messages prefered.

Attachment: pgpcGxEMGoPGi.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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