On Tue, 12 Apr 2016, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:

> On Tue, Apr 12, 2016, at 14:06, Adam D. Barratt wrote:
> > Judging from your e-mail address, I'm going to assume that the answer is 
> > that security.debian.org resolved to
> > 
> > Apparently there was an issue with syncing to that mirror. The sysadmin 
> > team have triggered a manual sync, so things should be up-to-date now.
> Other (leaf ?) .au mirrors also seem to be stale:
> mirror.aarnet.edu.au, mirror.cse.unsw.edu.au
> Either those mirrors are not refreshing at an acceptable rate for
> something that carries /debian-security, or we have a wider issue than a
> single .au mirror missing a push.
> We don't have leaf (non-push) mirrors in the geo-ip list for
> security.debian.org, do we?

We don't support 3rd party security mirrors.  In fact, we actively
discourage them.  Don't use them.

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