On Wed, 13 Apr 2016, Scott Blaydes wrote:

> >  (3) The scripts that automatically update the security rotation only
> >      check if a server is online and responds to http requests - it
> >      does not check if a mirror is current.

> > Expanding mini-nag[1] to do something about (3) would be nice too.
> Who do we need to talk to about requirements and tasks to help out with
> things like this? I am not a coder, but would love to help out where I can.

mini-nag runs a limited set of nagios checks as configured in the
auto-dns hosts file.

So what we'd need is a nagios check that tells us for a given host
whether its (security) mirror is current.

Stop by in #debian-admin on OFTC if you want to help.

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