Are you sure the URL is correct? If i try to connect to from Chrome I revice:" ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED". If i try with out https i'm redirect to and this site have a trusted certificate.

On 01/15/2017 06:41 AM, Tea Wrex wrote:
I am unable to make HTTPS connections to ... My browser said my connection is insecure when I attempt to visit that site.

Also, the report from SSL Labs says the site is not trusted.

What is the point of being able to use HTTPS in Apt's source.list if we cannot connect to security updates with HTTPS ?

Yes, I understand that the security servers certificate authority is not loaded in my browser in Debian. Why is that? Your newest release added several certificate authorities, why not add your own?

Please let us Debian users connect securely to

You know about Why not use a certificate from them in order to get your certificates trusted? Or else fix your trust issue another way. PLEASE?!


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