In theory, from version number numbering point of view only, yes less than
0.0 is valid. But in practice, as they are used in Debian OVAL definitions,
I don't think they are. I think these state values might be incorrect,
probably unintentionally. And there are many, thousands, of these less than
0.0 versions, I don't think they are actually intended to test for pre
version 0 releases.
For example, who could be using a pre version 0 release of glibc?

<dpkginfo_test check="all" check_existence="at_least_one_exists" comment="glibc
is earlier than 0" id="oval:org.debian.oval:tst:22102" version="1" xmlns="
<object object_ref="oval:org.debian.oval:obj:3"/>
<state state_ref="oval:org.debian.oval:ste:14418"/>
<dpkginfo_test check="all" check_existence="at_least_one_exists"
is earlier than 0" id="oval:org.debian.oval:tst:22067" version="1" xmlns="
<object object_ref="oval:org.debian.oval:obj:2202"/>
<state state_ref="oval:org.debian.oval:ste:14410"/>
<dpkginfo_test check="all" check_existence="at_least_one_exists" comment="rustc
is earlier than 0" id="oval:org.debian.oval:tst:22068" version="1" xmlns="
<object object_ref="oval:org.debian.oval:obj:1670"/>
<state state_ref="oval:org.debian.oval:ste:14410"/>
<dpkginfo_test check="all" check_existence="at_least_one_exists"
is earlier than 0" id="oval:org.debian.oval:tst:22069" version="1" xmlns="
<object object_ref="oval:org.debian.oval:obj:2614"/>
<state state_ref="oval:org.debian.oval:ste:14410"/>

On Mon, 17 May 2021 at 09:40, Holger Levsen <hol...@layer-acht.org> wrote:

> On Sun, May 16, 2021 at 05:21:50PM +0300, Serkan Özkan wrote:
> > We are using Debian OVAL definitions but there are many tests, and
> states,
> > that test for dpkg versions being less than 0.0 which is impossible in
> > practice (right?).
> no, it's possible:
> 0~1 is a valid version. It's smaller than zero, yet it's not a negative
> number.
> It's usually used for versions like 1.0~0alpha1-1 to allow the next
> version to be 1.0-1... but 0~1 is a legal and valid version too.
> --
> cheers,
>         Holger
>  ⢀⣴⠾⠻⢶⣦⠀
>  ⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁  holger@(debian|reproducible-builds|layer-acht).org
>  ⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋⠀  OpenPGP: B8BF54137B09D35CF026FE9D 091AB856069AAA1C
>  ⠈⠳⣄
> I'm looking forward to Corona being a beer again and Donald a duck.

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