Hi Elmar,
Thank you for debcheckroot. I think it is a great project, which makes us one 
step closer to a verifiable Debian system.
In this particular case, I'd like to point out the exact flags from 
fileserror.lis that you showed us: "..._.GM" and "..._..M".
According to the description on your website, it means the modification of the 
file permissions, not the actual content.

Since I was curious, I tried debcheckroot on my system, and found the same 
binaries at fileserror.lis (amongst a few others):
..._.GM /usr/bin/ssh-agent openssh-client_1:8.4p1-5_amd64 root root 755
..._.GM /usr/bin/crontab cron_3.0pl1-137_amd64 root root 755
..._..M /usr/bin/pkexec policykit-1_0.105-31+deb11u1_amd64 root root 755

Here is the actual u/g and permissions:
-rwxr-sr-x 1 root crontab  Feb 23  2021 /usr/bin/crontab
-rwsr-xr-x 1 root root     Jan 13 22:32 /usr/bin/pkexec
-rwxr-sr-x 1 root ssh     Mar 13  2021 /usr/bin/ssh-agent

It is indeed different from the original deb-package permissions but I found 
the reason for that:
# egrep -e dpkg-statoverride /var/lib/dpkg/info/cron.postinst
    dpkg-statoverride --update --add root crontab 2755 /usr/bin/crontab
# egrep -e chmod -e chgrp /var/lib/dpkg/info/openssh-client.postinst
                chgrp ssh /usr/bin/ssh-agent
                chmod 2755 /usr/bin/ssh-agent
# egrep -e set_perms /var/lib/dpkg/info/policykit-1.postinst
set_perms() {
        set_perms root root 4755 /usr/bin/pkexec

So while I truly consider the debcheckroot very useful, I think in this case it 
was a false positive due to the side effects of the postinst scripts of the 
relevant packages.

Thank you,

On Friday, 6 May 2022 16:52:15 MSK Elmar Stellnberger wrote:
> Dear Sylvain
> Am 04.05.22 um 13:17 schrieb Sylvain:
> > I've just tried debcheckroot too. It throws error. I'll try to fix them.
> Am 06.05.22 um 15:05 schrieb Sylvain Sécherre:
>  > Here's the fileserror.lis:
>  > ..._.GM /usr/bin/crontab cron_3.0pl1-137_amd64 root root 755
>  > ..._..M /usr/bin/pkexec policykit-1_0.105-31+deb11u1_amd64 root root 755
>  > ..._.GM /usr/bin/ssh-agent openssh-client_1:8.4p1-5_amd64 root root 755
>  > ...
>    I hope you won´t mind that I am citing the output of debcheckroot you 
> have given me.
>    These three files point to an infection with a rootkit. Don´t care 
> about modified configuration files like in /etc too much (but you may 
> still have a look at them). Executable files on the other hand must 
> never be modified. If these three files are different it means that 
> someone has altered your system. If you look at the man pages of these 
> executables then you also know that a maker of a rootkit would have 
> interest to modify exactly these files.
>  > The file filesunverified.lis is very long, while pkgcorrupt.lis is empty.
>    If you have updated your system some time ago and there are newer 
> versions on the update server now then debcheckroot can certainly not 
> find these packages any more. You could try to update your system and 
> then verify again. Normally the rootkit will persist. However connecting 
> your computer to a network may be detrimental since the rootkit owner 
> may simply uninstall his rootkit once he knows that his malware has been 
> discovered.
>    I would at least save suspicious executables first and additionally 
> the packages with known good of the same version.
> Regards,
> Elmar

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