Ok, so i have a new CD the works well enough. I took some time to dig through the source and i have a few questions.

1. Are we allowed to sign the sparc64 unstable repo? I'm 90% certain that this is why "select & install software" fails. Even if its signed unofficially and the signature is pushed into the unofficial CD it would help in that regard. Of course, i can do this for myself locally but that wont help anyone else.

2. I understand that sparc64 is an unstable branch, and from what i can see it keeps up to date with the official unstable branch. It seems like there are some situations where keeping a unofficial testing branch may be more ideal. Is something like buildd capable to taking the source of the current testing branch and build a sparc64 version of it?

I ask because it might make sense to keep something somewhat stable around (stable as in not constantly changing). This might help in the future when new bugs are introduced (I.E Kernel 4.6). We could keep 4.5 in testing until 4.7 is in unstable and verified working as well or better than 4.5. This is mostly just to keep machines that were working fine from breaking after an update (as much as possible anyways). Testing may be the wrong name for such a branch, but again i am not certain of what is allowed as what is not. If we tracked real testing, then i suppose we would be stuck with 4.5 until the next release after stretch. That may not be ideal.

This is something i would be interested in doing for myself, but i would do it for everyone if we're even allowed to do such a thing.

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