On 5/9/19 20:01, Dennis Clarke wrote:
I tried to breath life into an old Netra which was just too old for
the task. Are you aware of any issues with the M3000 type machine?

Or even M4000 ?

I'm starting to wonder if my mails about ...

No I am not ignoring you.

I simply didn't recall over my coffee this morning.

I have not looked at linux on sparc in ... nearly forever.  Possibly an
actual forever. There is no reason to think about it. Now I see from my
hardware list on hand there is even less reason to even bother testing.

Thanks for listening.

Please don't mind, I was just a little upset, as I assumed my mails on
this topic were just wasted.

[2] also has some further reading about this topic. Maybe you get in
touch with Meelis Roos, who started a thread titled "Adding support for
Fujitsu SPARC64 machines?" on the linux-sparc mailing list (see [3])
some years ago. Maybe this can be revived.

[2]: https://wiki.debian.org/Sparc64#Installing_the_Debian_SPARC64_Port

[3]: https://marc.info/?l=linux-sparc&m=142067252101925&w=2

I appreciate your patience and perserverance. I seem to have way way too
many little irons in the fire and too many machines running to recall
all the bits about all of them.  I don't think I am alone in that

In my mind an Oracle M4000 with 256G of memory and a stack of processor
cores is a terrible waste.  Baffles me that it can not run with even
some basic sparc v9 type mode. Regardless the devices are most likely an
issue also.

It can't be that that much of an issue, because OpenBSD runs on these
machines (according to [4] and my tests on serveral PRIMEPOWER 250s).
And for the Linux kernel you can actually see some Linux kernel messages
before the machine experiences a red state exception...

[4]: http://www.openbsd.org/sparc64.html

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