Hi everybody,

I've got two Debian Sarge servers running. Apart from smtp/imap they serve smb 
for Windows networks and also I wanted to be able to have remote access via 

Samba stores its files, as configured by default, using the utf-8 charset. The 
locale is set to "de_DE.UTF-8" and everything works just fine - apart from 
the sftp access...
Using sftp (either from konqueror or winscp), special characters, namely 
German "Umlaute", do not show properly and if I save a new file with a 
filename containing special chars, they apparently are not UTF-encoded as I 
can't read them from the console nor from smb.

I went through google several times but I could not find anything which kinda 
takes me by surprise as this problem must be known to some lads out there :-)

Thanks, janleewe

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