Am Montag, 30. September 2002 23:08 schrieb Faheem Mitha:
> On Mon, 30 Sep 2002 21:26:04 +0200, Gerhard Gaussling 
> > debian:/usr/src# apt-get remove  coreutils
> > [...]You are about to do something potentially harmful
> > To continue type in the phrase 'Yes, do as I say!'
> >  ?] n
> > Abort.
> >
> > This seems to be not a good idea. Maybe apt-get and debconf
> > depends on the utilitys, and if they are removed I'll maybe no
> > longer able to reinstall textutils, shellutils and fileutils.
> Agreed.
> Ok, here is the deal. I am not completely sure on the details,
> but it appears that you had apt misconfigured, since the
> coreutils binary is currently only in unstable, and apt never
> should have tried to install it. 

Yes, it's longer ago I wanted to install a package from source. I 
don't remember what kind of source-tarball I installed by using 
auto-apt, but it was a developer version, the newest available.

I configured my preferences woody pin-priority to 777 and sid 
pin-priority 333. I can't remember exactly, but I installed that 
package on woody.

Last weeken I tried to upgade my woody distribution to sarge due to 
a few problems I had to implement packages from unstable. I thought 
that the differences between woody and sid are getting bigger and 
bigger, though it seemed to me that it'll be no longer an good idea 
to stick with woody if I need packages from sid.

But I made mistakes with my preparation of the dist-upgrade. I left 
the pin-prioritys in the preferences and only changed woody to 

After ran into the problems with coreutils from sid I had 
overwritten the woody packages of textutils and shellutils. (I 
think fileutils were updated before coreutils. Unfortunateley 
textutils and shellutils were upgraded after coreutils).

Later I gave tesing 1001 and unstable 99. with that 
preferences-file I downgraded all packages from sid to sarge.

I think that was the recommendet action _before_  using dpkg 
--force-overwrite :-(

Unfortunateley it seems that the coreutils-package couldn't be 

And now I'm in a situation where I have too versions of packages 
that provides the coreutils:

coreutils from sid on one side (but overwritten with the 
sarge-packages, but still marked as installed in the apt-database) 
fileutils, shellutils, textutils from sarge

But my system runs normal

> I'm tracking sarge and I don't
> have it installed. So the first priority is to figure out why
> this happened and make sure it doesn't happen again. Stuff from
> unstable, particularly basic stuff, is not guaranteed to play
> nice with stuff in testing/stable.

How can I directly see that I have to do with a _base_ -package, 
like libc6 or coreutils? 

> Ok, so what to do? Well you have two choices.
> 1) Backtrack to testing completely. Risky, and not guaranteed to
> work.

I think with my preferences-file:

Package: *
Pin: release a=testing

Package: *
Pin: release a=unstable
Pin-Priority: 99

I had backtracked my system to testing already.

apt-get dist-upgrade -u
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
Calculating Upgrade... Done
0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0  not 

That means, that the upgrade was successful, in my opinion.

> 2) Do nothing and continue to track sarge, making sure that you
> are in fact tracking sarge. This is probably your best option,
> assuming that your system is working normally. At some point
> sarge will catch up to the current packages in unstable, and
> coreutils will come in to sarge, and at that point hopefully if
> there are any residual problems, they will be resolved. If not,
> well, you should cross that bridge when you come to it.

Well, I'll gonna live with this situation probably till the moment 
one package of sid or a source-tarball _really_ needs the binarys 
from coreutils and _not_ shellutils or the other utils from sarge 
I'll probably run into problems, maybe not ...

> So the questions are
> 1) Is your system working normally?

Yes, I think so, apart from all the missconfigured stuff ;-)

> 2) What is the problems with your apt-sources? [...]

Besides the url's for testing I got two for unstable

> and /etc/apt/preferences are
> *************************
> Package: *
> Pin: release a=unstable
> Pin-Priority: 50
> *************************

see above. I want to track also some few packages from sid, like I 
used to.

> and these work Ok for me. Maybe there is a problem with your
> preferences setting. 

Thank you Faheem for your great help!



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