On Fri, 2002-10-18 at 08:15, Curtis Vaughan wrote:
> Yeh, I thought about VNC, but let me ask everyone this.
> I've only tried VNC on windows computers. Unless both ends have a DSL or 
> better connection, it can be VERY SLOW....
> What's it like on Linux?
> Curtis

The VNC protocol is client side clocked. That is the client must ask for
an update, then the server will send it. On a slow link the client asks
for less refreshes. TightVNC over a 56k link in 8 bit with JPEG
compression turned to full is definitely very usable. The latency is
noticable though. (300-400ms for you to see your response to your
keystroke). Over 64K ISDN things improve greatly (its the latency thats
the issue here, not really the bandwidth)

One thing I have noticed is the Windows VNC viewer is *crap*. During
refreshes it will consume 100% CPU. Take two systems that are identical.
On one put linux with a vncviewer. On the other put windows with a VNC
viewer. Put them both on 100 Megabit ethernet. Load a programme that
changes the screen at 60fps. On the linux client you will get close to
60fps updates. On the windows client you will be lucky to get 5fps. This
is definitely due to bad coding in the Windows client. There is no
reason why the windows client is so slow, other than its badly

Kind Regards
Crispin Wellington

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