On Wed, May 19, 2004 at 05:20:26AM +1000, James Buchanan wrote:
| Hi,
| I'm curious to know how I might test out IPv6 networking.  I certainly
| need another Ipv6 box to talk to, and I might build a little subnet at
| home with old 386/486 boxes for cheap to do this.  It might be my only
| way.

There are other ways, as you mention later in your message.

| Does my ISP have to explicitly support IPv6 for me to talk to the
| rest of the world in IPv6?


| Would their routers peek at the version of IP packets and chuck them
| out if they wanted only IPv4 packets, or would this not happen for
| Ethernet connections because routing is done on MAC addresses or
| somesuch?  (Is that even possible at all?  'Fraid I dunno much about
| networking.)

Ethernet links look only at the ethernet frame.  Likewise for all
other Link Layer (Layer 2) technologies.  However, the device at the
other end of the link has to understand the Network packet contained
inside the ethernet frame for it to not be ignored.

| Tunneling IPv6 through IPv4 seems like a possibility, however, the
| so-called back routing required might make this not feasible for me
| since providers will probably charge a price I can't afford to connect
| up to their 6bone thingy.  Also I'd need a static IPv4 address, and my
| ISP won't give me one...

For more information, see


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        Proverbs 20:9
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