thanks for your information

i am a Linux Newbie, and have a lot of troube in fixing  audio drvier.
so i
install knoppix on my computer. and it works. but the problem is i have
install a lot of dummy stuff on my computer too, i wonder if there is a
kind of live debian based cd like knoppix, but rather light-weighted? in
another word, the live cd will drive your audio/video system and will
not install other dummy program .such as KDE ....

thank you.

On Wed, May 19, 2004 at 01:19:23AM -0400, Silvan wrote:
>?On Monday 17 May 2004 08:35 pm, alex wrote:
>?> It looks like there is no shortcut to check compatibility with a
>?> KNOPPIX CD other than try to make all the devices work.
>?A suggestion.  Grab the DeMuDi image from AGNULA.  (No URL handy, but it's 
>?easy to google up I'm sure.)  It's a special version of Knoppix done up with 
>?Linux audio applications in mind.
>?If you boot the thing, and if everything goes well, the first thing on your 
>?screen will be QJackCtl.  That means modern, next generation audio is 
>?working.  Video on-screen means video is working.  Go into a Konsole and try 
>?running "glxgears" and you know you have 3D support (or not).  If you really 
>?want to know more, you can find the KInfoCenter easily enough, which is a 
>?really handy little utility that provides the equivalent of catting around 
>?in /proc to look at stuff, and a very spiffy memory status display.
>?Boom.  You'd have to spend a lot longer trying to do it some other way, I'd 
>?think.  It's not that fast to boot up far enough to get to the point where 
>?you can run these few commands, but you'd have to issue a *lot* of commands 
>?to come up with the same info you can get by just letting it do its thing.  
>?You'd either have to do a lot of typing, or go to the trouble to figure out 
>?how to do up your own hacked version of Knoppix to run your custom "show me"  
>?scripts.  Or put the scripts on a floppy, maybe, if the computers still have 
>?Besides, think of it this way.  Someone will be looking over your shoulder.  
>?Wouldn't you rather show them KDE, glxgears, and KInfoCenter than a bunch of 
>?cryptic messages on a text screen?  :)
>?> But, I haven't tried the CD on a computer with integrated video
>?> or audio so I have no idea how that would show up during bootup.
>?I have.  It works fine.  i810 video, i845 video, ac97 audio, sis900 ethernet, 
>?maybe some other stuff.  All the usual "crap hardware" offenders.  I haven't 
>?tested it *extensively*, but I've looked at enough different computers to be 
>?really impressed with how well it works.  It even supported a USB mouse, I'm 
>?almost positive.  (That box actually had two mice, and I'm only mostly sure I 
>?was using the USB one.)
>?Michael McIntyre  ----   Silvan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>?Linux fanatic, and certified Geek;  registered Linux user #243621
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