On Fri, Jul 09, 2004 at 06:45:49PM -0500, Brad Sims wrote:
| On Friday 09 July 2004 9:18 am, Kevin B. McCarty wrote:
| > By the way, is PDF also Turing-complete with the accompanying security
| > issues?
| IIRC, some wrote a nethack game entirely in postscript; so if it isn't
| Turing-complete, its darn close.


A web server written in postscript, just for the challenge of it.

I either read about or heard about a math student "back in the day"
who instead of writing programs in C or Pascal learned postscript and
used the printer to do the number crunching.  It was more powerful
than the computer it was connected to and would easily print the
result on paper.


"640K ought to be enough for anybody" -Bill Gates, 1981
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