Johann Spies wrote:

After seeing the article in Linuxjournal about sql-ledger I wanted to
try it out.  The article referred to the installation as a
"breeze". That was not my experience.  I found the documentation
confusing to say the least.

The README.Debian says:

If you don't like the deb, try the source from

"The easiest way to test this package is to add a postgres-users with
the name of www-data. This however will mean that every apache process
will be able to authenticate to your DB.

To make a more robust security scheme, please read your postgres
documentation, but for now, do , as root, a

su - postgres
createuser -d www-data

... snip ...

To finally test this, point your browser at
http://localhost/sql-ledger/ to create the DB and the initial
user, and afterwards: http://localhost/sql-ledger/ to log in.

Why would the documentation suggest a scheme that is not secure?
Trying to create more secure schemes I had a lot of problems with the
standard Debian ident-scheme in postgresql. Reading the FAQ of
sql-ledger, I found:

ident is not secure. Just let me near your network with my Laptop:-) I can make _m,y_ ident say I'm whoever I want you to think I am.

"  This error has everything to do with the way distros set up access
rights for postgres. They are way too restrictive and leave you wondering what to do 

   Do yourself a favour and change authentication type in pg_hba.conf

local all trust

Trust is probably okay if you control all the network. I'd change to password authrntication.

until you have figured out what all this stuff in pg_hba.conf
does. Read about the different authentication settings and change
them as you see fit."

Now that does not help at all! Other documentation (README.gz)
suggests a "safer" scheme:

"if you use passwords to access postgres use this command
 $ createuser -d -P sql-ledger

So I did that as well as 'createdb sql-ledger' and put the following
in /etc/pg_hba.conf:

# All IPv4 connections from localhost
host    sql-ledger  sql-ledger   md5
host all all   ident sameuser

After reloading the postgresql-configuration I tried

http://localhost/sql-ledger/  but when I try to create a
dataset as sql-ledger I get the following error:

FATAL: IDENT authentification failed for user "sql-ledger".

Why is postgresql trying to do an IDENT-authentication?

Comment out the line(s) that say it can.

Is there an SQL-HOWTO somewhere that can explain in simple terms how
to set up sql-ledger in a secure way.

postgresql isn't a simple package. However, the documentation is copies and readily accessible at the postgresql.prg website. sql-ledget isn't hard to set up, but I've not done it from a deb or on debian.



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