On Thu, Aug 19, 2004 at 09:33:37PM -0400, S.D.A. wrote:

| Not the original poster, so please excuse me jumping in here.
| I'm going to attempt installing Sarge on my brother's G3 beige (old
| world), this weekend. Were you able to boot directly from the cd, or
| did you need to boot from floppy? Any pointers welcome -- I'm in the
| process of reading the Debian Mac install instructions, but pointers
| always welcome.

From what I've read, oldworld systems can't boot from cds.

I'm not a mac expert, though.  I've only installed on two G4s (well, I
think the first was a G4; it was newworld at any rate).  The first
time was my first experience with a mac and was a proof-of-concept
installation that was wiped out shortly afterwards (~6 months ago).

My recommendation is to read a lot of documentation on-line
(particularly if you are not familiar with Apple hardware and its
disk partitioning and booting organization).  Also, use the sarge rc1
installer.  This worked really well for me this time around.


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