martin f krafft wrote:

i am too tired tonight to set up a testing environment for this.
plus, it's friday. so maybe someone Just Knows(tm).

if stable is pinned at 900 and testing at 500, and i manually pull
in foo from testing and then a new version of foo hits testing, what

what about when testing is it 99 (and thus below 100)?

thanks for your input.

If testing is pinned to 500 and foo has a 'current pin' of 100[since foo's installed version is no longer in any archive it just has the 'default' installed pin], new version>old version and 500>100 so it gets upgraded. Whereas if testing is pinned to 99, 99<100 and it sticks with the currently installed version.

Of course you know that it is generally considered a bad idea to try to pin between stable and testing, especially at this point in the release cycle.

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