Paul Johnson wrote:
> <#secure method=pgp mode=sign>
Travis Crump <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Personally, I never liked the latency inherent in usenet.

These days, it's about the same latency as email unless you're in some
far-off corner of the planet connected only via carrier pigeon or
something equally obscure.

I don't mean the latency of posting->post appearing, I mean the latency of clicking a subject and seeing the body. For e-mail the latency is roughly equal to a hard drive access since fetchmail fetches my mail in the background. For usenet, it is equal to a network access as the body needs to be fetched from a usenet server. I suppose that you could pre-fetch all the bodies, but that would negate one of the 'benefits' that the post I was reponding to mentioned.

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Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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