On Thu, Sep 02, 2004 at 06:59:11PM +0000, Cousin Stanley wrote:
> Greetings .... 
>   If I move installed files from their original 
>   apt-get install target locations, is there a
>   a simple way to redirect the package managers
>   to cope with these path changes for future 
>   updates/upgrades of a particular package ?
>   For example, I've installed the  python2.3-qt3  package
>   under Debian/Sarge and moved all of the associated files
>   into a  NEW  dir within the  /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages  dir 
>   and added a necessary  .pth  file to compliment the python 
>   search rules ....
>   So far, this seems to function as expected in the  python/qt  zone,
>   e.g., all of the  python/qt  demos still work, but I'm wondering
>   how to deal with future updates/upgrades ....

man dpkg-divert

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