CW Harris wrote:

On Wed, Sep 08, 2004 at 01:28:14PM -0400, Patrick Moroney wrote:

CW Harris wrote:

On Wed, Sep 08, 2004 at 10:18:45AM -0400, Patrick Moroney wrote:

I'm trying to install Debian Sarge stable as a second operating

Sarge is not yet "stable"---still "testing"

--Understood - but I've successfully installed other machines.

Not what I meant. At the moment, stable = Woody, testing = Sarge, so I
still don't know what you mean by "Sarge stable." Do you mean you are
using the new Sarge netinstall CD to install "stable?"

--It's a Sarge CD that when you boot, gives you 3 options, Stable, Testing, or Unstable (I think on the 3rd - I know I'll never use it . . .) But it is a net install. Overall, the install menus are different than the Woody disc I have. Unfortunately I made they CD a while ago, and don't have it with me. But I'm pretty sure it's 2.4 - 2.6 kernel.

system on a 200 gig drive and not having a lot of success. The installation goes fine; I install Lilo in the MBR, the system goes for a reboot and then I get the following errors upon reboot:

request_module[block-major-3]: Root fs not mounted
VFS: Cannot open root device "302" or 03:02
Please append a correct "root=" boot option
Kernel panic: VFS Unable to mount root fs on 03:02

What kernel?
Self compiled or from installation?
What are your lilo/grub lines to the kernel?

--Whatever kernel with Sarge stable.

What exactly are you using to install Sarge? CD from ??? Sarge
netinstall CD (and what date)?

Net install - I'll get the date.

--The kernel is from the installation - no customization
--As far as lilo lines, I never get to boot into linux to see the lilo lines. I really don't want to use grub.

Why not? Although grub is strange to use at first (if you are already used to linux device names and lilo), it does have the advantage that you can dynamically change what it is doing at boot time. This can be convenient to fix some boot problems.

Anyway, that is not really the topic, but it might be something nice to
play around with later.

--actually I noticed that you could change the settings a boot with grub - which I thought was pretty cool - I actually was able to successfully boot once with grub - but once I rebooted it didn't work anymore; nor did it save the changes. Bottom line, I don't know grub, I know lilo - I'll probably spend some time researching grub though . . .


Should I make the system so that it will only boot into debian with a floppy? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

It is sounding like a boot floppy might at least help you boot into
debian to finish the installation, but I wouldn't make that a permanent
situation. The booting problems can be fixed.

--I was coming to the same conclusion & figuring I have to do some research on both lilo & grub

Why not just boot from a rescue disk (I think most/all install disks can
be used as rescue disks also--check the boot options) and fix the lilo
install so you can boot windows also?  This at least fixes your boot
options until you figure out the debian install problem.

--Will do with regard to the rescue option - I'll look at the boot options. But pretty sure I tried this . . .

Alternately, I think XP allows you to create a boot menu that will boot
another OS in its own partition (never tried this so can't vouch for how
well it works).

--I basically wouldn't trust anything windoze - I'd rather Lilo control the booting.

:> I second that. Although I have set up dual boot where windows has
control of the MBR and installed lilo to my / partition (marking it as
the bootable partition) to avoid having windows trash my lilo
installation when it crashed/fixed things or upgraded (I never bothered
to figure out what circumstances lead windows to re-write the mbr
<shrug>).  Rescue CD/boot floppy works just as well.

P.S. No need to CC me, I read the list.

I friend of mine had similar problems as mine and it eventually just worked - but he didn't remember what he did to get it to work . . .

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