I just downloaded the weekly build for Sarge and burnt the first iso. The install goes great but when asked to install GRUB, I decide not to install to the MBR so it asks me where to install it to. The reason is I have XP on one hard disk and Linux on the other hard disk. the linux hard disk comes up as 'hdc'. On it I have partitioned it into these:
/boot 250mb
/tmp 750mb
/var 1gb
/ 10gb
/usr 20gb
swap 1gb
/home remainder ~40gb
in that order. I tell the debian installer to install GRUB into /dev/hdc1 meaning the /boot partition. I want to use the NTLDR so it does not mess with windows MBR. I then have installed bootpart onto my xp drive and added to boot.ini the 250mb (/boot) linux drive as read here: http://www.aboutdebian.com/dualboot.htm In bootpart my /boot is number 2.
So is it the debiban installer not putting it where I want or is it bootpart not finding it?
Any help? Hope I was clear with everything.

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