On Sun, 3 Oct 2004 21:02:19 +0200, bing yu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I can not get message from fvwm list, Please forgive me posting here.
> in my .fvwmrc
> Key r    A     M    Exec exec crxvt-gb
> so Alt+r can open a crxvt terminal
> After I open crxvt, I usually do this :
> $su
> password:****(enter my pwd)
> # cd /mnt/media/
> my question is straitforward(let alone the security problem), Can I write above in 
> the .fvwmrc ? so after I Alt+r, the crxvt can go to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I  read the man page
> Key r    A     M    Exec exec crxvt-gb -e su;pwd
> still , It ask me to imput my password
> Any one can help me? Thank you.

I'm not sure but I don't think you can supply your password on the
command line to su. But I would advise you to have a look at 'sudo'.
It takes a little more effort but with this you can configure your
system to give you the necessary permissions without too much hassle.
Read the manpage and if that doesn't help (I seem to recall it's all a
bit complicated) just google around a bit I'm sure you'll find some
good tutorials.


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