On Thu, 2004-12-16 at 19:59 -0800, Marc Wilson wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 16, 2004 at 02:11:38PM -0600, Alex Malinovich wrote:
> > This is just a copy of your pre-udev device entries. They're not used
> > for anything, they're just pretty much there for your reference.
> I've been wondering about this.  Say you're not interested in the usual "my
> /dev is emptier than yours" dick-waving contest... you want what's in /dev
> to stay in /dev.  But you actually want udev's symlink-making ability for
> some silly reason.  Can udev actually operate this way, or is all it can do
> the usual Gnomish "I know how you should use your computer better than you
> do" crap?  Let it mount a gods-be-damned tempfs if it wants, but let it
> also put everything INTO that tempfs.
> Well?  Can it?

Not to the best of my knowledge. Though I honestly can't see WHY you
would want to still have all of the entries there. I personally think
that the ability to do an "ls" in /dev and not have to sit there for the
next 7 minutes while every useless device I'll never encounter is listed
to be a priceless feature. udev is designed to minimize the number of
devices you have to have in /dev at any given time. If you don't want
that, then by all means, don't use it.

Alex Malinovich
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