On Sat, 2004-12-25 at 16:48 +0100, Bob Alexander wrote:
> While I love using sid because of the very current releases and I am 
> willing to take the risk of having to debug "some" problems, being the 
> system I WORK with the only I have, getting fundamental things wrong can 
> seriously impact my job.

While this doesn't actually answer your question about how to check the
age of a package, I do feel that I should inject a comment about the
relative stability of Sid here.

My primary machine at work is a Debian-only machine running Sid AND
Experimental. In the last 6 months or so, I have spent probably about 5
- 6 hours working through problems caused by packages on my system, ALL
of them caused by Experimental. All of the servers that I use for my day
to day work also run Sid, and I've never had a problem with any of them
that wasn't caused by user error.

Sid is probably not the right choice if you need to run a nuclear
defense grid, but for day to day work on the desktop and even on
servers, it's plenty stable enough in my experience.

With that said, what I usually do for my servers is do an update every
two weeks, storing the list of packages that WOULD be upgraded in a text
file. Then when I do my next update, I compare that list vs the list of
two weeks ago and only install the packages that HAVEN'T changed. This
gives me a selection of two week old packages that MOST LIKELY work
(since critical bugs are usually fixed within two weeks).

Alex Malinovich
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