Greetings debian users ....

  I have an up-to-date Debian Sarge installation
  that's been running fine with the  2.4.27-1-386  kernel
  for several months on a 5 year-old 250 MHz Compaq ....
  A couple of days ago I tried a  2.6.8-1-386  kernel
  via apt-get install .... 
  The 2.6 kernel boots and runs OK, but I'm having
  some aDSL net connection problems ....
  From a Konsole shell all of the following
  work OK with no problems ....
    o wget file downloads
    o apt-get update
    o apt-get dist-upgrade
    o slrn news client .... reading & posting
  However, if I try to connect to the internet
  through a browser < Konqueror | Firefox >
  any site I try will ......... Timeout port 80 .... 
  Trying to connect to mail/news servers
  with mozilla-thunderbird also fails,
  with TB giviving its progress bar
  an endless workout and never connecting ....
  None of these problems occur with the 2.4.27-1-386 kernel ....

  A fair amount of Google-izing turned up mostly success
  with the particular NIC ( RTL-8139 ) that I have, 
  but also a few failures  with 2.6 kernels .... 
  One Gentoo user, one RH user, and two Debian users
  all reported success in fixing connect problems
  via .... 
      alias eth0 8139too
  I've tried this  *un-successfully*  in both ....
  A few more details ....      

  # uname -a
  Linux cpq1 2.6.8-1-386 #1 Thu Nov 25 04:24:08 UTC 2004 i686 GNU/Linux

  # dmesg | grep eth0

  eth0:  RealTek RTL8139 at 0xd000, 00:30:bd:2d:29:d6, IRQ 11
  eth0:  Identified 8139 chip type 'RTL-8100B/8139D'
  eth0:  link up, 100Mbps, full-duplex, lpa 0x41E1
  eth0:  no IPv6 routers present

  # ifconfig
  eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:30:BD:2D:29:D6  
            inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
       **** inet6 addr: fe80::230:bdff:fe2d:29d6/64 Scope:Link
       **** The line marked with asterisks
            does not appear in the ifconfig output
            when booted with kernel 2.4.27-1 ....

  lsmod shows that booting with the 2.6 kernel loads two nic driver modules,
  [ 8139cp | 8139too ]... while the 2.4 kernel loads only 8139too and
  works fine without the other one ....
  So I removed the additional 8139cp driver via a physical move,
  did an  update-modules , did a re-boot .... no change ....
  I did put 8139cp back to where it came from ....
  There are some differences in a few of the  parm  entries
  between the 2.4 and 2.6 kernel entries shown in the modinfo
  listings for the 8139too module .... 
  I can post these if needed, but I don't know
  if they would matter or not ....
  Any clues or advice about what else to look at
  or try would be greatly appreciated ....
  Happy holidays ....

Cousin Stanley
Human Being
Phoenix, Arizona

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