On 4/30/05, Nils-Erik Svangård <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all!
> I recently did a reinstall of debian unstable from scratch on my
> computer, before that I ran debian unstable but installed from knoppix.
> There is a feature that I really miss, and I think its a configuration
> error on my part but Im not sure.
> When using bash I could do: latex <tab> an a list of all *.tex files
> would circle, when I do that now all files are listed, this wasnt just
> latex, it worked with dpkg, xdvi, dvips and a lot of other programs.
> Does anyone have any pointers where I can get more info on enabling that
> again?
> Thanks
> /nisse

The other answers in this thread are close. I think the circling
feature is related to bash programmable autocompletion. I would
suggest you try to see what the knoppix configuration does different
in /etc/bash_completion. I looked around a bit but didn't immediately
find it.


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