> I am currently running Debian with a 2.4 Kernel.  I recently upgraded to the
> 2.6.8-k7 kernel, but now my X Windows will not work.  I get an error saying
> that it couldn't initialize the mouse because /dev/psaux doesn't exit (i
> don't know why it doesn't)  i had heard that there were some changes to the
> way the PS/2 mice are handled and that it might have changed
> to /dev/input/mice but there is no device with that name either.  Does anyone
> now of a way to fix this without compiling my own kernel ?  And if i am going
> to need to recompile, are there any good programs out there to help me do
> so ?  I tried once before and broke my system beyond repair.

Is the "hotplug" packaged installed? Installing this fixed the problem
on a couple of machines at work that we upgraded from 2.4



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