>I assume this is a type, and you meant "apt.conf". In which directory >do you find this file? (My installation does not seem to have such a > >sample file.)
the apt.conf is in /etc/apt/
>Is this still part of the "apt.conf" file listing above, or a separate >file?
The sources.list is in /etc/apt/sources.list
>Your previous post mentioned the error:
> >[0%] connecting to ftp.us.debian.org(
> >
>yet what you're posting here as your "/etc/apt/sources.list" only
>mentions 'http.us.debian.org', not 'ftp.us.debian.org'; something's
>amiss here.
On changing the sources.list to http://http.us.debian.org the problem persists.
One more thing there was  a directory called apt.conf.d in /etc/apt. This  had a file called 70debconf. when I removed the file, the apt-get update started working!!!. I want to upgrade to sarge(As you had advised earlier), I changed all stable in sources.list to 'sarge'; after the full update I ran apt-get dist-upgrade. this was successfull  too. But quite strangely my system now has no X!!! I think I will have to install the additional packages manually. Any clues.
Also the apt-get install and update is very erratic in that sometimes it will work and at other times it will just hang saying
[0%]connecting to http.us.debian.org (;
My connection being a DSL one should have no problem with speed. Can this be a problem with apt installation(like lock etc...)
How do I upgrade the kernel (mine is 2.20 right now). would this affect my X settings???
By the way thanks for the support this far. Hopefully you guys would guide me to be a debian world full of fun.
Please Help.

Shatam Bhattacharya
New Delhi,

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