On Mon, 2005-05-16 at 17:28 +0200, Alberto Bert wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm looking for a "file manager" like mc, but for scp connections.
> Cause, I often transfere several directories and I have to copy each of
> them with a different command and passwd... :-(
> Do you know any nice solution?

If you already run Nautilus, it has built-in support for SCP
connections. Just navigate to "ssh://[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/directory". If you
don't already have Nautilus installed it's probably overkill to install
it just for this though. (and as it's not exactly light-weight, don't
expect to run it on a 233 MHz machine) But I think a default Gnome
install pretty much has to have Nautilus anyway, so assuming you're a
Gnome user you should be all set to go.

Alex Malinovich
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