On Fri, 2005-05-20 at 17:46 +0200, Roger Martinez wrote:
> After  the  tar extract command 
> tar xvzf mozilla-1.7.8.fr-FR.linux-i686-gtk2+xft.tar.gz    
>  or gzip -cd mozilla-1.7.8.fr-FR.linux-i686-gtk2+xft.tar.gz | tar xvf -  
> command
> it's the same ,  owner  change
> ls -l give me that : mozilla repertory and all the follow with owner roger :
> drwxr-xr-x  11 roger users     4096 May 12 12:04 mozilla
> -rw-r--r--   1 root  root  14643030 May 16 23:31 
> mozilla-1.7.8.fr-FR.linux-i686-gtk2+xft.tar.gz

It sounds like you're running the tar command as yourself. If you run it
as yourself you do not have permissions to set the ownership on a file
to root. Try running the tar command as root and see if that helps.

Alex Malinovich
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