On Wed, Jun 08, 2005 at 03:33:37PM +0100, Graham Smith wrote:
> I have recently started experiencing a strange problem with KDE whereby for 
> some unknown reason it switches to Gnome (while I'm logged in - I didn't 
> think 
> that was possible). The most obvious sign that this has happened is the 
> background picture set under KDE disappears and the right click on the 
> desktop 
> is ignored (no menu pops up). I get no messages in /var/log/syslog when it 
> happens.
> I'm running the pure64 port of sid with KDE 3.3.2. I think, but I can't 
> confirm 
> this because it doesn't happen every time, that it has something to do with 
> Open Office or the chroot it is running in. I say this because the problem 
> seems to occur after I start Open Office (it might just be the screen saver 
> though but it seems more common with OO).
> I have my /home NFS mounted which is then bound into the chroot as is a /data 
> directory. /data holds the background picture and is accessible to both the 
> main system and the chroot (in other words it's not an NFS problem).
> Any ideas?
Make sure you are not accidentally starting nautilus.  It will happily
take over your session.  I have had this happen to me in WindowMaker.


Roberto C. Sanchez

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