Dear Basajaun and all,

Basajaun wrote:

Well, you could try the old link trick. First of all locate the biggest
directory(ies) residing in /, e.g.

du -sh /*

then, move that directory and all of its contents to a bigger
partition, where space is not a problem, e.g.

cp -R /big_dir /scratch/

then create a link in / with the old dir name, and pointing to the new
location, e.g.

ln -s /scratch/big_dir /big_dir

Yes, it is a dirty trick, but will save your day until you repartition
properly (say, when reinstalling the whole system).



That was my first idea when reading the original post. In fact, I was thinking of doing that in a laptop of a friend. Is there any reason why this is a "dirty" trick. Is there any problem or disavantage in doing so? It seemed to me it would be safer (and easier) than changing partitions sizes...

Thanks in advance,


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