On Wed, 2005-06-08 at 09:43 -0700, Dave Carrigan wrote:
> The number pad is cumbersome. I'm an emacs guy, so I rarely use the
> arrow keys anyway, but when I have to use them, it's a PITA. However,
> that was easily solved for me by buying a USB number pad; it works fine
> with X, and it even works fine in Windows XP running inside VMWare.

I'm enlightened as well :), so I don't use the arrow keys much, but
there are more and more things which are breaking emacs keybindings
nowadays. The big thing for me is the number pad. I do a lot of number
crunching and doing the top row just won't cut it for me. I'm also
hesitant to get a separate keypad because I've used them before for my
laptop and just doesn't feel right. When I have to switch 'feel' between
typing and doing numbers I don't adjust very well.

But in looking at their site more I saw that they do have a guarantee on
the keyboards, so I'll probably buy one and try it and see if the keypad
issue is one I can live with or not. With that once exception, I'm very
impressed with the keyboard. Now I just have to try it and see how it

Alex Malinovich
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