On Wed, Jun 08, 2005 at 09:58:18PM +0200, Olle Eriksson wrote:
> What I like about aptitude is that it has a text gui, in addition to the 
> command line switches. Great for when you need to search through many 
> different packages, read their description, follow dependencies and 
> recommendations between packages in the dependency tree. That and the 
> fact that it remembers which package(s) just "came along" another package 
> that I explicitly selected to be installed, so that when you uninstall 
> that package everything it needed will be removed too. I was never able 
> to keep the system "clean" of stray package before.

It's nice if you can keep it clean with just one program like
aptitude. But for die-hard apt-get users like me there are two handy
packages that can help out here. 

apt-get install debfoster deborphan

Short descriptions:
debfoster: Install only wanted Debian packages
deborphan: Find orphaned libraries

Does anyone know if these are also useful when using aptitude? I think
so, but I don't really know the power of aptitude.

Maurits van Rees | http://maurits.vanrees.org/ [Dutch/Nederlands] 
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